Lot 282 , Tierney, M.A. The History and Antiquities of the Castle and Town of Arundel, 2 volumes bound in one, first edition, large paper copy (280 x 207mm.), 8 engraved plates on india paper (some spotting), engraved illustration

Tierney, M.A. The History and Antiquities of the Castle and Town of Arundel, 2 volumes bound in one, first edition, large paper copy (280 x 207mm.), 8 engraved plates on india paper (some spotting), engraved illustration

° Tierney, M.A. The History and Antiquities of the Castle and Town of Arundel, 2 volumes bound in one, first edition, large paper copy (280 x 207mm.), 8 engraved plates on india paper (some spotting), engraved illustrations on india paper, fine green morocco gilt by Bedford for Pickering, gilt edges, upper joint expertly repaired, armorial Foley bookplate (presumably 4th Baron Foley (1808-1869) who married Lady Mary Charlotte Howard, daughter of Henry Howard, 13th Duke of Norfolk, in 1849), 4to, 1834

Sold for £80