Lot 348 , Three Royal Worcester porcelain groups of birds, modelled by Dorothy Doughty - ‘’Redstart and Gorse’’, (hen and cock) and ‘’Meadow Pipit and Silverweed’’, each with certificates

Three Royal Worcester porcelain groups of birds, modelled by Dorothy Doughty - ‘’Redstart and Gorse’’, (hen and cock) and ‘’Meadow Pipit and Silverweed’’, each with certificates

Three Royal Worcester porcelain groups of birds, modelled by Dorothy Doughty - ‘’Redstart and Gorse’’, (hen and cock) and ‘’Meadow Pipit and Silverweed’’, each with certificates


Meadow Pipit has completely bloomed, i.e. has naturally fractured so still in one piece but will break into large pieces with minimum impact. One section of leafage detached, Tall Redstart two small sections of gorse detached and retained. Smaller Redstart two gorse sections missing and one damaged but retained. No boxes.

Sold for £80