Lot 683 , Spencer after Benwell, reverse print on glass, 'The Studious Fair', 36 x 26cm, together with four other damaged reverse prints of John Wilkes, George II and George III

Spencer after Benwell, reverse print on glass, 'The Studious Fair', 36 x 26cm, together with four other damaged reverse prints of John Wilkes, George II and George III

Spencer after Benwell, reverse print on glass, 'The Studious Fair', 36 x 26cm, together with four other damaged reverse prints of John Wilkes, George II and George III

Wilkes horizontal crack across centre; George III cracked across with missing sections of glass beside his right shoulder; frame wormed; George II several cracks across centre and one upward from side, reaching his head and beyond. All damage clearly visible. Studious Fair generally good.

Sold for £95