Lot 1793 , Samuel Thornton (18th. C), set of six coloured maps to include: ‘India’, ‘Coremandell’ and the ‘Coast of Mallabar’, 46 x 55cm. Condition - fair

Samuel Thornton (18th. C), set of six coloured maps to include: ‘India’, ‘Coremandell’ and the ‘Coast of Mallabar’, 46 x 55cm. Condition - fair

Samuel Thornton (18th. C), set of six coloured maps to include: ‘India’, ‘Coremandell’ and the ‘Coast of Mallabar’, 46 x 55cm. Condition - fair

From margin to margin: Mallabar 42.5x52cm. Galaconda 43.5x52.8cm. Coremandell 43x53cm. Bombay and Sallset 43x52cm. Coast of India 43x52cm. Guzaratt 43x52cm.