Lot 152 , King, Thomas Starr - The White Hills; their legends, landscape, and poetry. (new edition). frontispiece, map and num. engraved illus.; original gilt cloth. Boston, 1869

King, Thomas Starr - The White Hills; their legends, landscape, and poetry. (new edition). frontispiece, map and num. engraved illus.; original gilt cloth. Boston, 1869

° King, Thomas Starr - The White Hills; their legends, landscape, and poetry. (new edition). frontispiece, map and num. engraved illus.; original gilt cloth. Boston, 1869; Powell, E. Alexander - The End of the Trail; the Far West from New Mexico to British Columbia. folded map and num. photo. plates; original gilt-pictorial cloth. New York, 1914; Johnson, Clifton - Highways and Byways of the South. coloured pictorial title, num. photo plates, text illus.; original coloured pictorial cloth with gilt spine. New York and London, 1904; together with 3 related books (6)

King - good copy. XVIII, 403pp.; Powell - sl. spine wear, else good. XV, 463pp.; Johnson - lwr. cover spotted, v.sl. spine wear, else good, XV, 362, and 3pp. (publr's adverts); Others - Stampp's The Peculiar Instititution: Negro slavery in the American South (d/w. 1964); Dixon's Westward Hoboes (1924); Mexican Mustang
