Lot 170 , Chatwin, Bruce. The Attractions of France. Colophon Press, 1993. Number 96 of a limited of 175 copies, sewn into Murillo card covers. Together with, The Songlines, 1982, On the Black Hill, 1982 and five other books by Ch

Chatwin, Bruce. The Attractions of France. Colophon Press, 1993. Number 96 of a limited of 175 copies, sewn into Murillo card covers. Together with, The Songlines, 1982, On the Black Hill, 1982 and five other books by Ch

° Chatwin, Bruce. The Attractions of France. Colophon Press, 1993. Number 96 of a limited of 175 copies, sewn into Murillo card covers. Together with, The Songlines, 1982, On the Black Hill, 1982 and five other books by Chatwin. McEwan, Ian. or Shall We Die? Words for an oratorio set to music by Michael Berkley. 1983; Black Dogs.1992. Both signed by the author on the title page. Together with eight other books by the same author including a first edition of the Cement Garden, 1978.

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