Lot 1060 , Byron, George Gordon Noel, Lord - The Works of Lord Byron, 6 vols, 8vo, red morocco, with portrait frontis to vol 1, John Murray, 1825 and, vols 7 & 8 uniformly bound, from an 8 volume set, John Murray, 1824, (8).

Byron, George Gordon Noel, Lord - The Works of Lord Byron, 6 vols, 8vo, red morocco, with portrait frontis to vol 1, John Murray, 1825 and, vols 7 & 8 uniformly bound, from an 8 volume set, John Murray, 1824, (8).

° Byron, George Gordon Noel, Lord - The Works of Lord Byron, 6 vols, 8vo, red morocco, with portrait frontis to vol 1, John Murray, 1825 and, vols 7 & 8 uniformly bound, from an 8 volume set, John Murray, 1824, (8).
