Lot 1043 , British coin collection, Anne to Elizabeth II, including Anne sixpence 1705, fine, George III to George V silver halfcrowns, florins and shillings, including 1895 halfcrown, about EF, 1902 halfcrown, good VF, 1919 halfcr

British coin collection, Anne to Elizabeth II, including Anne sixpence 1705, fine, George III to George V silver halfcrowns, florins and shillings, including 1895 halfcrown, about EF, 1902 halfcrown, good VF, 1919 halfcr

British coin collection, Anne to Elizabeth II, including Anne sixpence 1705, fine, George III to George V silver halfcrowns, florins and shillings, including 1895 halfcrown, about EF, 1902 halfcrown, good VF, 1919 halfcrown, good VF, 1915 and 1916 florins, VF, 1919 florin, about EF, two Victoria gothic florins, later commemorative crowns, 1797 cartwheel twopence, near VF, threepence to farthing etc.