Lot 277 , A 19th century mahogany three bottle tantalus, containing baccarat style decanter bottles, width 37cm

A 19th century mahogany three bottle tantalus, containing baccarat style decanter bottles, width 37cm

A 19th century mahogany three bottle tantalus, containing baccarat style decanter bottles, width 37cm

Side handles and brass mounts missing leaving redundant holes; right-hand cover opens, exposing spring button which releases lower fitted drawer but left-hand cover does not release and open; both of these hinged covers have pin-like holes to veneered surfaces. Only one decanter can be removed - neck chipped and now ground smooth; decanters are Victorian press-moulded. Top veneer (above decanters) with circular section missing, approx. 10 x 8mm.

Sold for £220