Sales Enquiries
t: +44 (0) 1273 472503
Showing 854 lots
A mixed collection of small silver items to i
Estimate: £800 - 1200
Sold for £950
Two mid 20th century engine turned silver rec
Estimate: £80 - 120
Sold for £160
A George V twin handled silver tazza, Barker
Estimate: £200 - 300
Sold for £280
Two silver mounted hair/clothes brushes and t
Estimate: £100 - 150
Sold for £60
A George V silver hot water pot, Viners Ltd,
A pair of silver mounted hair brushes and a s
Estimate: £70 - 100
A small George V silver bowl, Sheffield, 1934
Estimate: £250 - 350
A pair of George III silver Old English patte
Sold for £80
A George V silver waiter with pie crust borde
Estimate: £150 - 250
Sold for £150
Four cased presentation silver items to inclu
Estimate: £600 - 800
Sold for £850
A small selection of silver items to include
Estimate: £180 - 220
Sold for £300
A set of twelve modern silver handled steel b
Sold for £320
A continental 900 standard white metal rectan
Estimate: £50 - 70
Sold for £40
A George V silver mounted glass teardrop shap
Estimate: £60 - 80
Sold for £70
A white metal mounted mother of pearl circula
A sterling double lipped pan with turned wood
Estimate: £40 - 60
A lady's 1970's stainless steel Dunhill quart
A lady's 9ct gold Eterna manual wind wrist wa
A lady's 2001 stainless steel Ebel quartz wri
Estimate: £300 - 400
A late Victorian silver open faced pocket wat
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