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Showing 612 lots
Seven pairs of 19th century and later opera g
Estimate: £60 - 80
Two Edwardian/George V silver mounted ebonise
A Siddy Langley glass scent bottle, signed, 1
Estimate: £80 - 120
Sundry items to include a Tunbridge ware inkw
Estimate: £70 - 100
A South Indian cast iron figure of Parvati, 3
Estimate: £50 - 70
A large collection of Shaeffer Cross and othe
Estimate: £100 - 120
Smoking items; silver cigarette box, three va
Eight boxed Parker pens to comprising ball po
Estimate: £80 - 100
A Dunhill lighter and a Calibri lighter. Cond
Estimate: £40 - 60
A Chinese silvered bronze mirror, a lacquer b
A Hardy's telescopic fishing gaff. Condition
A quantity of various pens to include Parker
Two Georgian paste set steel shoe buckles. Co
Estimate: £100 - 150
A Chinese celadon glazed box and cover and tw
A quantity of Chinese resin figures, two stai
A collection of Halcyon Days enamel patch box
Estimate: £250 - 350
Five early 20th century mixed linen/embroider
Two oval toleware two handled foot baths, lar
Postcards, an album of views of China postcar
A collection of postcards, Lewes, Offham, Ham
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