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Showing 536 lots
A George III style circular mahogany tilt top
Estimate: £80 - 120
Sold for £140
A Victorian style circular cast iron and reco
Estimate: £100 - 150
Sold for £130
A Victorian mahogany stretcher table, length
Estimate: £40 - 60
Sold for £30
A Victorian style brass and painted metal sup
Estimate: £200 - 300
Sold for £340
A 1950's Italian teak and wrought iron drinks
Sold for £170
A Laura Ashley brown leather sofa bed, width
Sold for £200
Two late 19th / early 20th century brass tele
Estimate: £150 - 200
A Louis XVI style marquetry inlaid gilt metal
Estimate: £250 - 350
A pair of reproduction George III style paint
Estimate: £300 - 400
A reproduction George III style painted five
A Gothic style wrought iron Super Kingsize be
Estimate: £400 - 600
A brass and smoked glass two tier rectangular
A brass and smoked glass rectangular coffee t
A circular smoked glass and brass tray top tw
An early 20th century tan leather drop arm Ch
Estimate: £300 - 500
A South Asian stone carving, height 78cm
Sold for £40
A reproduction 18th century style carved and
Sold for £50
Estimate: £70 - 100
Sold for £110
A pair of Louis XV style beech and cherry bed
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