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Showing 612 lots
A scratch built model of a ship and a toy rac
Estimate: £40 - 60
A large 20th century Chinese famille rose vas
Estimate: £40 - 70
A stamped, Trebor Germany 22, bisque headed,
Estimate: £60 - 80
A Chinese cylindrical bamboo 'Sages' brushpot
Estimate: £30 - 50
A bronze, ormolu and lustre candlestick, a br
Estimate: £300 - 400
An Edwardian three train mahogany bracket clo
Estimate: £80 - 100
A collection of 18th and 19th century pewter
Estimate: £80 - 120
A modern large cast bronze sculpture of two f
Estimate: £70 - 100
A George III style mahogany miniature chest o
Estimate: £100 - 150
Two 1970’s Bernard Rooke pottery vases, large
Estimate: £50 - 70
Three Barnaby Powell for Whitefriars trailed
A pair of plated three branch candlesticks, 2
An Art Deco pressed glass vase, 19cm high. Co
A Czech porcelain tiger, 38cm wide. Condition
A 19th century Boulle work mantel clock with
Estimate: £150 - 200
A pair of Art Deco amber and frosted glass va
A Moorcroft double gourd glazed vase, signed
A French Barrie & Son champleve enamel and br
Estimate: £200 - 300
A pair of French Art Deco silvered metal book
A French Art Deco ceramic antelope with green
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