Lot 1269 , [Brighton Interest] Merrifield, Mrs. - A Sketch of the Natural History of Brighton and Its Vicinity, original cloth, 1860; Kebbell, William. The Climate of Brighton, original cloth, 1859; Martin, Henry. The History of Br

[Brighton Interest] Merrifield, Mrs. - A Sketch of the Natural History of Brighton and Its Vicinity, original cloth, 1860; Kebbell, William. The Climate of Brighton, original cloth, 1859; Martin, Henry. The History of Br

° [Brighton Interest] Merrifield, Mrs. - A Sketch of the Natural History of Brighton and Its Vicinity, original cloth, 1860; Kebbell, William. The Climate of Brighton, original cloth, 1859; Martin, Henry. The History of Brighton and Environs, 1871; Erredge, J.A. History of Brighthelmston, 1862; all original cloth (4)