Lot 348 , An Elizabethan charter recording the division of property, in Latin, in black ink on vellum, 30 x 37cms.

An Elizabethan charter recording the division of property, in Latin, in black ink on vellum, 30 x 37cms.

An Elizabethan charter recording the division of property, in Latin, in black ink on vellum, 30 x 37cms. Translation of the Charter Recording the Division of Thomas Baker’s Properties between his Sons, dated 20th July, 03 Elizabeth [1561]

1. (To) All the faithful of Christ to whom this present tripartite indented Writing shall have come, Thomas Bakar, Leonard Baker, and

2. Richard Baker, sons and heirs of Thomas Bakar, Sworn, late of Folkeston [i.e. Folkestone, ff.] in the county of Kent, (send) Greeting in the lord Everlasting. Know ye

3. ourselves, of our unanimous agreement and consensus, through the view of good and law-worthy men of Folkeston aforesaid, the division and partition

4. of Forty and One acres of land, whether more or less should be had thereupon, lying and being in the parish of Folkeston

5. aforesaid, to have caused under the form which follows: which certain lands or tenements formerly were of [i.e. belonged to] Thomas Baker, our* father, [* ‘our’ corresponds with the first word of the next line]

6. or Joan, our mother, now deceased, That is to say, that the aforesaid Thomas Bakar should have to himself and his heirs, to

7. the only use and behoof of the said Thomas, his Heirs and assigns, severally, in perpetuity, twelve acres and half an acre

8. of land, whether more or less, with appurtenances, whereof six acres lie and are at Brodwaie, up to the lands of Thomas Willming

9. ton towards the South, up to the lands of the Heirs of Thomas Hunt, Sworn, late of Folkeston aforesaid, Towards the West, up to the lands of William Jenkey and Thomas

10. Joll Southwest, up to the lands of the lord of Folkeston north, and up to the king’s highway towards the east, And another three acres, parcel thereupon, being Called

11. Hunters Mede, and they lie up to the lands of Thomas Hunt, late of Folkeston aforesaid, deceased, towards the south, up to the lands of the lord of Folkeston north

12. and east, and up to the common Way West, And One acre, three roods, and thirty perches, they lie thereupon at Heighlonde up to the lands of Robert

13. Inmyth towards the South, up to the lands of the heirs of William Baker of Charte West, up to the running water situate (at) Ensneithe north, up to the lands of the heirs

14. of John Colley east, And three other roods lying ^at Brode fyld^ up to The drone Waie South, up to the lands of William Jenkey north, up to the lands of William

15. Read east, and up to the lands of William Jacob towards the West, And half an acre remaining thereupon lies at The Willowes, up to the lands

16. of William Baker south west, up to the lands of William Jenkey north west, up to the lands of Robert Inmyth north east, and up to the lands of myself,

17. the said Thomas, south east, And that the aforesaid Leonard Bakar should have (to) himself and his heirs, to the Use of the same Leonard, his* heirs [* ‘his’ corresponds with the third word of the next line]

18. and assigns, severally, in four acres of land at Gladeherste, and two acres called Charles crofte, and three

19. acres called Melland, lying together up to the lands of the Heirs of Ralph Woollet north west, up to the lands of George Kennet West, up to the lands

20. of the heirs of William Harte south west, up to the lands of Richard Baker Called The brockes South, up to the lands of the heirs of John Goddey and

21. Thomas Willmanby south east, up to The drone lane east, up to the lands of the heirs of Laurence Clarke north east, up to the lands of William Read

22. senior north, And two acres lying at longe gladeharste up to the lands of William Read senior south, up to the lands of the Heirs

23. of Laurence Clarke east, up to the lands of the Heirs of Aleyn Weldishe north, and up to the lands of Thomas Joll west, and two acres lying

24. at tenante shotte up to the drone Waie east, up to the lands late of the ‘Mason de dieu’ [i.e. Hospital] south, up to the lands of the lord of Folkeston west, and up to

25. the lands of the said Richard Baker north, And that the aforesaid Richard Bakar should have (to) himself and his heirs, to the Use of the same

26. Richard, his heirs and assigns, in perpetuity, six acres lying at tenante shotte, lying up to the drone waie Towards the south

27. east, up to the lands of the heirs of Laurence Clarke north and north west, up to the lands of the lord of Folkeston west, and up to the lands of the said

28. Leonard Baker south, and another three acres called Kithams crofte lying up to the lands of the heirs of Aleyn Weldishe south west,

29. up to the lands of the Heirs of Thomas Hogben south east, up to the lands of Henry Kennet east, up to The drone waie north and west, and a half

30. acre at Middleforstall lying up to the same towards the West, up to the lands of Thomas Hunt north, up to the lands of Thomas Joll east, and

31. up to the drone waie south, and one acre at saynt Buttolphes forstall lying up to the same east, up to the lands of the heirs

32. of Ralph Woollet north, up to the lands of Thomas Joll north west, and up to the lands of Thomas H[unt – torn & stained below crease-fold] West, and up to the lands of the heirs of Bullard

33. south, And six acres at The brockes lying up to the running water there south west, up to the lands of the heirs of William Harte

34. north west, up to the lands of the said Leonard north and east, and up to the lands of the heirs of John Goddey towards the south east, Which certain

35. partition or division the said Thomas, Leonard, and Richard Ratify and confirm for themselves and their* heirs, [* ‘their’ corresponds with the first word of the next line]

36. in perpetuity, by (these) presents; In Testimony of which thing, (to) whichsoever part of this tripartite indented charter the aforesaid Thomas

37. Baker, Leonard Baker, and Richard Baker their seals have affixed. Given (on) the twentieth day of the month of July (in) the year of the Reign of our* lady [* ‘our’ corresponds with the first word of the next line]

38. Elizabeth, (by) the grace of god of England, France, and Ireland, the Queen, defender of the Faith, etc., the Third. [Initials obscured by crease-fold.]

1. (By these) Presents, of the delivery
2. of that seisin, according to
3. the Tenure within-written
4. Henry Kennet, mayor
5. William Kennet Sworn
6. Thomas Umfreye
7. Bartholomew Pysinge
8. Richard Read, with others