Lot 1457 , Assorted bindings; mostly Common Prayer
° Assorted bindings; mostly Common Prayer 1. Common Prayer, 1854, with 'Search the Scriptures' fore edge, tooled morocco and gilt clasps.
2. Common Prayer, nd, Oxford, crushed morocco and gilt clasp.
3. Common Prayer, 1869, Oxford, crushed morocco and gilt mounts.
4. Common Prayer, 1844, Oxford, velvet and gilt mounts.
5. Bogatsky's Golden Treasury, London 1881, tooled morocco.
6. Liturgie, ou Formulaire des Prieres Publiques, selon I'usage De L'Eglise Anglicane, London 1818, tooled git crushed morocco.
7. Kingsford, John - A Selection of Hymns, 1823, full calf.
8. Epochs of Modern History, Longmans 1906, Llandovery College prize, dragon tooled gilt calf.
9. Hyatt's Sermons, full calf, now as a box.
10. Diocesan Services, 1926, full morocco bound by A.R.Mowbray
11. Life of Fenelon, full morocco.
no.6 ms. (contemp.) presentation - Alice Sourbut; no.4 ms. (1863) no.1 ms. (1859) no.5 ms. (1853) should be dated 1850 no.7 presentation ms. (1855) no.8 - Lladoney bkplt.