Lot 1037 , A collection of 14 autograph letters from British Prime Ministers, 1767-1912, with a signed photograph of David Lloyd George and a card from H G Wells, 1911

A collection of 14 autograph letters from British Prime Ministers, 1767-1912, with a signed photograph of David Lloyd George and a card from H G Wells, 1911

° A collection of 14 autograph letters from British Prime Ministers, 1767-1912, with a signed photograph of David Lloyd George and a card from H G Wells, 1911
Thomas Pelham-Holles (1693-1768), duke of Newcastle, Claremont, to John Norris, MP for Rye, on attempts to influence the Rye constituency, 10 November 1767; William Henry Cavendish Cavendish-Bentinck (1738–1809), Duke of Portland, Downing Street, to an un-named peer, concerning ‘business … of the utmost consequence to the interests of this country’ at the next session, 24 October 1783; Henry John Temple, Lord Palmerston (1784-1865), Secretary at War, War Office, to William Disney to continue Colonel the Comte de Waldstein (1762-1823, patron of Beethoven) on half pay, 9 June 1815; draft from George Canning (1770-1827) to [William] Huskisson (1770-1830) with his plans for an amicable conclusion of the Corn Law question, [1827]; Henry John Temple, Lord Palmerston (1784-1865), Foreign Secretary, note to ‘remind [Sir Arthur] Aston [Secretary of Legation, Brazil, 1826-1833] that Complot is not an English word’, used in his dispatch of 16 July 1832, 1 October 1832; William Lamb, Lord Melbourne (1779–1848), Home Secretary, referring a petition (of Thomas William Shallcross of Manchester for a patent of invention [of mill machinery, granted 19 January 1833], on a fragment of which the letter is endorsed) to the Lieutenant of Ireland, 14 December 1832; George Hamilton-Gordon, Lord Aberdeen (1784–1860), Putney, to [Sir Frederick William] Trench (c1777-1859), unable to attend the meeting but happy to join the committee for a monument to the Duke [of Wellington], 23 June 1837; William Ewart Gladstone (1808-1898), 11 Carlton House Terrace, to W A James, concerning his eligibility to vote in elections in the county of Middlesex, 11 July 1865; Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, Lord Salisbury (1830–1903), 20 Arlington Street, to Ernest Baggallay, MP [for Brixton], the amendments of the Lords’ select committee were rejected by the house last night, 24 May 1887; Archibald Philip Primrose, Lord Rosebery (1847–1929), Dalmeny Park, Edinburgh, three letters to George Woodiwiss, mayor of Bath, concerning arrangements for accepting the freedom of the city, September – October 1899; Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman (1836–1908), Belmont Castle, Meigle, to Thomas James Macnamara (1861–1931), marked secret, encouraging him to join the Local Government Board, ‘where most important legislation is in prospect’, 21 January 1907; David Lloyd George (1863–1945), Brynawelon, Criccieth, signed typescript to Robert Donald (1860-1933, editor of the Daily Chronicle), commending his articles on the rural problem and exposure of the scandalous treatment of the English agricultural labourer, 20 September 1912, with a signed photograph of Lloyd George, c1940
Card from Herbert George Wells (1866–1946), 17 Church Row, Hampstead, to Messrs Parris and Cazenove, literary agents, 11 Henrietta Street, London, concerning his cheque for [his publisher] Constables, sent to France, 10 November 1911

Sold for £340