Lot 264 , Martin Smith (b.1950), two disk forms, redware, one damaged, with original purchase receipt, largest 37cm wide (2)
§ Martin Smith (b.1950), two disk forms, redware, one damaged, with original purchase receipt, largest 37cm wide (2) Provenance - Bob Lockyer O.B.E. (1942-2022), the BBC television dance producer, was a pioneering and pivotal figure in the surge of dance on to television screens that, from the 1970s, established new dance at the forefront of contemporary British culture – a phenomenon that led to the ubiquity of the form today.
He was a great sponsor of contemporary artists and ceramicists over the last 30 years and a number of the works offered for sale by Gorringes include an original receipt of purchase from the artist or gallery.
Item with three cream-coloured stakes - one damaged and incomplete, as shown; otherwise good. Smaller item 26.5cm long max.; 19cm high.