Lot 1469 , Bewick, Thomas - Wood Engravings of Thomas Bewick… Selected, with a Biographical Introduction, by Reynolds Stone, limited edition being number 287 of 1000 copies signed by Reynolds Stone, numerous illustrations, original

Bewick, Thomas - Wood Engravings of Thomas Bewick… Selected, with a Biographical Introduction, by Reynolds Stone, limited edition being number 287 of 1000 copies signed by Reynolds Stone, numerous illustrations, original

° Bewick, Thomas - Wood Engravings of Thomas Bewick… Selected, with a Biographical Introduction, by Reynolds Stone, limited edition being number 287 of 1000 copies signed by Reynolds Stone, numerous illustrations, original red cloth, Rupert Hart-Davies, London, 1953. Together with 13 other volumes relating to Thomas Bewick, including ‘A Memoir of Thomas Bewick, Written by Himself’, 1862 (14).

‘Wood Engravings’: spotting to e/papers, fading to spine, minor marks; ‘Memoir’: spotting to preliminaries, fading to spine and extremities bumped.