Lot 1291 , London and Brighton Railway Guide, 1841, 2nd edition, Containing a Correct Description of the Railway---historical and Topographical Notices of the Places Contiguous to the Various Stations---and the Official Map and Sec

London and Brighton Railway Guide, 1841, 2nd edition, Containing a Correct Description of the Railway---historical and Topographical Notices of the Places Contiguous to the Various Stations---and the Official Map and Sec

° London and Brighton Railway Guide, 1841, 2nd edition, Containing a Correct Description of the Railway---historical and Topographical Notices of the Places Contiguous to the Various Stations---and the Official Map and Section of the Line; to which is Added, a Complete List of Hackney Coach and Cab Fares, with the Distances to All Parts of London and Brighton, Publ. J.R.Jobbins, 56pp inc adverts, original cloth preserved beneath a gilt cloth bound by Geo. Beal of Brighton.