Lot 91 , A late Karl Griesbaum Model 17 silver gilt, white enamel, garnet and cultured pearl set automaton singing bird box

A late Karl Griesbaum Model 17 silver gilt, white enamel, garnet and cultured pearl set automaton singing bird box

A late Karl Griesbaum Model 17 silver gilt, white enamel, garnet and cultured pearl set automaton singing bird box, of sarcophagus form, with applied scroll and foliate decoration, on four scroll feet, import marks for International Bullion & Metal Brokers, London, circa 1977, length 15.2cm, with single drawer front containing a silver gilt key, serviced by Laurence Fisher, 25th Feb. 2023.

Fine hairline cracks to the enamel on the cover in places, mainly to the right side. Service included alignment work to grille, grille stilts. bird lever assembly and plate posts. General mesh and linkage adjustments. De-gunk of old greased areas and re-lubrication to all pivots and linkage joints throughout movement. Pitch lever shortened to provide wider variety of notes. Finishing performance adjustments. Testing and reassembly.