Lot 1297 , Thackeray, William Makepeace - Works, 1902, half calf, 13 vols; Moliere, Jean Baptiste - Plays, half calf, 8 vols, Edinburgh 1926 and Dumas, A. - Oeuvres, Nouvelle Edition, 8 vols, Paris 1864. Condition - varies, poor to

Thackeray, William Makepeace - Works, 1902, half calf, 13 vols; Moliere, Jean Baptiste - Plays, half calf, 8 vols, Edinburgh 1926 and Dumas, A. - Oeuvres, Nouvelle Edition, 8 vols, Paris 1864. Condition - varies, poor to

° Thackeray, William Makepeace - Works, 1902, half calf, 13 vols; Moliere, Jean Baptiste - Plays, half calf, 8 vols, Edinburgh 1926 and Dumas, A. - Oeuvres, Nouvelle Edition, 8 vols, Paris 1864. Condition - varies, poor to fair