Lot 401 , Lawrence, T.E, Woolley, C.L and Hogarth, D.G (intro) - Carchemish. Report on the Excavations at Djerabis on behalf of the British Museum, conducted by C. Leonard Woolley MA and TE Lawrence, Part I, British Museum 1914, F

Lawrence, T.E, Woolley, C.L and Hogarth, D.G (intro) - Carchemish. Report on the Excavations at Djerabis on behalf of the British Museum, conducted by C. Leonard Woolley MA and TE Lawrence, Part I, British Museum 1914, F

° Lawrence, T.E, Woolley, C.L and Hogarth, D.G (intro) - Carchemish. Report on the Excavations at Djerabis on behalf of the British Museum, conducted by C. Leonard Woolley MA and TE Lawrence, Part I, British Museum 1914, First English Edition [O’Brien A001] T.E.
Lawrence’s first experience of the Near East and his first appearance in print, being responsible for part of the text.
Woolley, C. L - Carchemish. Report on the Excavations at Jerablus on behalf of the British Museum, conducted by C. Leonard Woolley MA with T.E Lawrence and P.L.O Guy, Part II: The Town Defences, British Museum 1921, First English Edition [O’Brien A002]

Woolley, C.L - Carchemish. Report on the Excavations at Jerablus on behalf of the British Museum conducted by C. Leonard Woolley MA with T.E Lawrence and P.L.O Guy, Part II: The Town Defences, British Museum 1921, First English Edition, second impression, British Museum 1969, with dustwrapper [O’Brien A003]

Woolley, C.L - Carchemish. Report on the Excavations at Jerablus on behalf of the British Museum conducted by D.G Hogarth, R. Campbell Thompson and C. Leonard Woolley MA with T,E Lawrence, P.L.O Guy and H Reitlinger, Part Ill, First English Edition, British Museum 1952, with dustwrapper [O’Brien A003], (4)

Plate 1 - some darkening on covers, browning on free e/ps., v. feint wear head/tail of spine, else v. good. Plate 2 - spine re-backed with paper, though replacing much of the original (begins 'Tish Museum...'), 1/2 marks on upper board, o/w v. good Plate 3 - feint wear head of spine, else v.good
