Lot 355 , Golden Cockerel Press - Waltham Saint Lawrence, Berkshire - The Pilgrim Fathers, one of 300, edited by Theodore Bestermam, illustrated with 8 engravings by Geoffrey Wales, 1939

Golden Cockerel Press - Waltham Saint Lawrence, Berkshire - The Pilgrim Fathers, one of 300, edited by Theodore Bestermam, illustrated with 8 engravings by Geoffrey Wales, 1939

° Golden Cockerel Press - Waltham Saint Lawrence, Berkshire - The Pilgrim Fathers, one of 300, edited by Theodore Bestermam, illustrated with 8 engravings by Geoffrey Wales, 1939 and Golden Cockerel Press, Waltham Saint Lawrence, Berkshire - More, Thomas - Utopia, one of 500, floriated initials and title page by Eric Gill, 4to, green cloth gilt, spine an upper front board sunned, 1929, in solander case.

Sold for £55