Lot 374 , MacFall, Haldane - The Book of Lovat Claud Fraser, 4to, original cloth and pictorial boards, 20 plates, J.M.Dent & Sons, London, 1923; De la Mare, Walter - Down-Adown-Derry, one of 325, signed by the author, illustrated

MacFall, Haldane - The Book of Lovat Claud Fraser, 4to, original cloth and pictorial boards, 20 plates, J.M.Dent & Sons, London, 1923; De la Mare, Walter - Down-Adown-Derry, one of 325, signed by the author, illustrated

° MacFall, Haldane - The Book of Lovat Claud Fraser, 4to, original cloth and pictorial boards, 20 plates, J.M.Dent & Sons, London, 1923; De la Mare, Walter - Down-Adown-Derry, one of 325, signed by the author, illustrated by Dorothy Lathrop, 4to, original vellum gilt, with 3 coloured plates, London, 1922;
[Anon] - Introduction by Bernard Darwin - A Golfer’s Manuel, one of 750, 8vo, with d/j, wood-engravings by John O’Connor, Dropmore Press, 1947; Barman, Christian - The Bridge, one of 125, illustrated by Frank Brangwyn, 4to, half cloth, with 26 colour plates, John Lane, Bodley Head, London and Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, 1926; Brangwyn, Frank and Preston, Hayter - Windmills, 4to, yellow cloth, John Lane The Bodley Head, London, 1923 and Baye, Baron J. de - The Industrial Arts of the Anglo-Saxons, 4to, cloth gilt, Swan Sonnenschein, London, 1893 and Lindsay, Norman - Hyperborea, Two Fantastic Travel Essays, 5 of 725, 4to, cloth, Franfolico Press, London, 1928


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