Lot 113 , A red stone head of Ardhanarishvara, Muthura region, India, Gupta period, c.5th century A.D.

A red stone head of Ardhanarishvara, Muthura region, India, Gupta period, c.5th century A.D.

A red stone head of Ardhanarishvara, Muthura region, India, Gupta period, c.5th century A.D., the face with almond-shaped eyes below finely arched brows, centred by a third eye, female half of face indicated by a large circular earring, hair secured in an elaborate headdress, the male half with hair arranged in a jatamukuta, 34cm high excluding display stand

Provenance - London private collection, formed between early 1940s-1972

The head is fragmentary with some probable old losses to the headdress and has been detached just below the neck and later mounted.

Sold for £1,800