Lot 353 , Bailey, J and Culley, G - General View of the Agriculture of the County of Northumberland, 1st edition, 3 works in 1 vol, bound with: General View of the Agriculture of…Cumberland and Pringle, A - General View of the Agr

Bailey, J and Culley, G - General View of the Agriculture of the County of Northumberland, 1st edition, 3 works in 1 vol, bound with: General View of the Agriculture of…Cumberland and Pringle, A - General View of the Agr

° Bailey, J and Culley, G - General View of the Agriculture of the County of Northumberland, 1st edition, 3 works in 1 vol, bound with: General View of the Agriculture of…Cumberland and Pringle, A - General View of the Agriculture of…Westmoreland, 8vo, rebound half morocco gilt, with engraved maps (one folding) and plates, Newcastle, 1797